Friday 28 November 2008

Hurrah! After 5 years, 11 months and 14 days for me and 4 years, 8 months and 3 days for my son we no longer subjects of the state and are once again autonomous individuals.
At last our adoption is finished, completely and totally and utterly.
No more social workers, local authorities, medical advisors, government officials, notaries, foreign and commonwealth offices, home offices, foreign government departments, district social services, orphange administration, lawyers, courts, interpreters, translators, notaries, psychiatrists, birth registries, passport issuers, embassies, visa controls, immigration officials, port authorities, more social workers, more lawyers, guardians, judges, courts, registration departments, doctors, more embassies...
I still can't believe it, but I feel at least one foot taller. Amazing and incredible - I never in my wildest dreams thought that it would go on for this long. If you asked me if I would start the process knowing that for almost 6 years I would be filling in forms I don't think that I would have done it. But I am so GLAD that I did. I am SOOO HAPPY being a mother, I so love my beautiful happy son.
So much so that I am going to do everything in my power to help others in the international adoption process. My website is getting overhalled, refreshed and updated. Check back frequently because in the next few months we are going to blow your mind with all the information and resources offered. We will answer all your questions in unique and dynamic ways, so you can be informed and empowered to take the first steps in giving a loving and stable home to a child who is waiting to call you mama and papa!

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